Отдых, туризм, путешествия Туристический клуб
Максим Владимирович Модератор
Пол: Возраст: 52 Знак зодиака: ТИМ: Габен Зарегистрирован: 07.01.2007 Сообщения: 262 Откуда: Москва |
Добавлено: Сб Мар 29, 2008 4:40 pm Заголовок сообщения: MIGRATION REGISTRATION OF FOREIGN CITIZENS IN RUSSIA |
If a foreign citizen has decided to come to the Russian Federation, it is necessary for him/her to know some principal rules of sojourn of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.
We ask to take this information in a most responsible way. The success of a foreign citizen's trip may depend upon it.
Since January 2007, in accordance with the Federal Law on Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons and by the Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation on Approving the Rules of Exercising the Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation, the registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons at the place of sojourn is annulled and the migration registration of foreign citizens at the place of sojourn in the Russian Federation is introduced instead.
The procedure of the migration registration implies informing (notifying) a relevant territorial office of the Federal Migration Service of a foreign citizen's arrival to the place of sojourn and must be carried out in the course of three working days after his or her arrival to the Russian Federation. One should know that all migration registration procedures are carried out by the Host Party, the foreign citizen him/herself is not required to address any organizations wasting his/her time.
Upon arrival at the place of sojourn, the foreign citizen shows to the Host Party his/her passport and migration card; the latter is completed upon entrance to the Russian Federation. Taking away the passport and migration card of the foreign citizen is not allowed.
The Host Party may be represented by citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons having permanent residence in the Russian Federation (holders of residence permit), as well as legal persons, their subsidiaries or branch offices where the foreign citizen actually resides (sojourns) or works.
When a foreign citizen settles in a hotel, the Host Party is the hotel's administration which in the course of twenty-four hours notifies the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service of the foreign citizen's arrival and also takes all the necessary steps regarding the registration of foreign citizens; the administration is responsible for observance of the established rules of foreigners' sojourn.
All the measures necessary for the registration of a foreign citizen are taken by the administration of the hotel.
On the basis of the documents presented by the foreign citizen, the Host Party fills in a special form of notification of the foreign citizen's arrival at the place of sojourn (hereinafter Notification). Then the Host Party in the course of twenty-four hours presents the said form along with copies of the foreign citizen's passport and migration card directly to the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service or sends them by post. There is no state due for migration registration.
The territorial office of the Federal Migration Service or the mail service office which have received from the Host Party the completed Notification along with the above-mentioned copies put down a mark of reception in the Notification and return the detachable part of the Notification to the Host Party.
The Host Party gives the detachable part of the Notification to the foreign citizen. The fact that the foreign citizen has the detachable part of the Notification with the mark of reception confirms his/her migration registration.
The foreign citizen has a right to notify the bodies of migration control of his/her arrival at the place of sojourn in person in case there are documented reasonable excuses (illness, physical impossibility, etc.) preventing the Host Party from submitting the Notification to a body of migration registration.
A foreign citizen permanently residing in the Russian Federation also has a right to notify the corresponding body of migration control of his/her arrival at the place of residence in person or, according to the established order, by post, with written consent of the Host Party.
Before departure the foreign citizen gives the detachable part of the Notification to the Host Party for it to be submitted in person or posted to the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service. Such action must be taken by the Host Party within two working days since the departure of the foreign citizen.
Please be aware that the time of sojourn of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation is determined by the period of validity of the visa issued to him/her.
The time of sojourn in the Russian Federation of a foreign citizen who has arrived to the Russian Federation according to an arrangement that does not require a visa cannot exceed ninety days except the cases envisaged by the Russian Federation legislation.
The foreign citizen is obliged to leave the Russian Federation upon expiry of the authorized time of sojourn. To extend the visa validity period or the time of sojourn, it is necessary to address the bodies of the Migration Service in advance, before the above-mentioned period expires.
Violation of rules of migration registration may entail administrative responsibility of a foreign citizen in the form a penalty from 2,000 to 5,000 roubles, in certain cases accompanied with expulsion from the territory of the Russian Federation. A foreign citizen who has been administratively expelled may be further banned from entry to the Russian Federation for the period of up to five years.
Xerocopies of the passport, migration card and detachable part of the Notification, in case of their loss or any other unforeseen circumstances, would help to confirm that the foreign citizen in fact has the documents and observes the rules of migration registration.
FMS RF _________________ Юридическая консультация, гражданское и уголовное право, адвокатура. + 7 495 220-82-81, 542-13-33 |
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