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Excursions in Moscow

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Максим Владимирович

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Возраст: 52
Знак зодиака: Козерог
ТИМ: Габен
Зарегистрирован: 07.01.2007
Сообщения: 262
Откуда: Москва

 СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Июн 05, 2007 1:39 am    Заголовок сообщения: Excursions in Moscow Ответить с цитатой Back to top

It is 700 m long and 130m wide. The square is mentioned for the first time in a fifteen century chronicle as the Torg.
Torg which shows that it was used for trading. Since then both its name and its shape have changed many times.
In the sixteenth century it was called the Trinity Square (after the stone church standing in it), and following the devastating conflagration of1571 it was referred to as the Fire. It acquired its present name in the seventeenth century. The word krasnaya meant "beautiful, fine, the best" in old Russia, as well as "red". Red Square has been the arena of many historic events in the life of the capital and the state as a whole. In May 1918 the first parade of working people in the Land of the Soviets was held in Red Square, together with a military parade which marked the beginning of a custom of more than seventy years standing. On 24 June, 1945 the historic Victory Parade was held in Red Square.
Lenin died on 21 January, 1924 and the government decided to build a Mausoleum - burial vault by the Kremlin wall. At first it was the temporary wooden Mausoleum. The construction of present building of the Mausoleum was completed in 1930 (architect Alexej Scucev)
It's also called the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed after the fool-in-Christ who was buried by the cathedral about fifty years after its building was completed. The Intercession Cathedral was erected in 1555-61 to commemorate the great Russian conquest of the Khanate of Kazan (1552). And it was built by two fine self-taught masters Postnik and Barma.


The Novodevichi (New maiden's) convent is. considered to be the gem of medieval architecture. In 1922 a museum was established on its territory and since 1934 it has been a branch of the State History Museum. The Novodevichi convent lies on the left bank of the Moscow river, four kilometers to south-west of the Moscow Kremlin. It was founded in1524 by the Grand Prince of Moscow Vassily III in honour of the recapture of the old Russian town of Smolensk , which had been seized .by the Gra.nd -Principal it у of Lithuania about two centuries before. Smolensk was important as a stronghold on the western borders of Russia, a gateway to Western Europe through Belorussia and Poland.
On the eve of the battle (28 July 1514) Prince Vassily III made he vow to build, a convent devoted to the Holy Virgin Hodigitria, the most worshipped icon of Smolensk. He donated 3000 rubles (320 kilos of silver) and two of his villages to the new convent, which was named Novodevichi (New maiden's) to distinguish it from the Devichi (Maiden) convent of the 15 century situated not far from here in Qstozhje. Like all the big monasteries and convents in medieval Russia it had three
functions: a. fortress, a religious centre and a prison.
The New maiden convent is conceded to be like miniature Kremlin. Here you can see the large Smolenski cathedral, brilliant belfry and a small church of Amvrosi .
One of the most important place of Monastery is cemetery – here were buried Gogol, Bulgakov, Soloviev and other famous Russian people.

Excursion Moscow of Bulgakov.

In the beginning of last century (1921) the great Russian writer ( doctor that time) Michail Afanasieich Bulgakow come to our city for staying here forever. What kind of retaliation had Bulgakov this Moscow? How Moscow climate did had influence to Bulgakov. What tragic beautiful funny and fantastic events happened this him here?
There are lot of versions of reading the very best of Bulgakow’s novel Master and Margaret. One of it is mystery traveling - which people who read the book accomplished this writer.
The strange story were two lovers experienced separation and trials have to meet each other finally.
It `s novel about love, artist, justices, mystic and of course it `s novel about our city.
Bungalow in spite of all problems living in Moscow felt here true love. And was loved by free charming women.
We are very happy to invite you to a small trip to Moscow of Bulgakow.
You , will see flat number 50, there Bulgakow lived , when this your guide you will come to Patriarshi ponds when you will get yourself in the Spiridonevka(exactly that street ,were Ivan Besdomniy tried to catch Woland and his company.
The next point will be Griobedov –literature institute, when Margaret place
And by Arbat`s backstreet you will come to the house of Master.
Duration of excursion: 1, 5 hours and 3hours (2 variants).
Welcome to our excursion.
Юридическая консультация, гражданское и уголовное право, адвокатура. + 7 495 220-82-81, 542-13-33
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